You’ve seen our core values. You’ve checked out the team, and you’ve even had a look at INFESTSTATION.

If you’ve been smiling and nodding along, then you’re probably thinking “so are they hiring?” We are!

If you don’t see a position below that matches your skills, we are always interested in connecting and engaging in conversation with exceptional talent within the industry. Feel free to reach out to us at to start a conversation with us!



Atom Switch, Inc. is not currently hiring for any positions.

We Make Great Games. We Don’t Chase Trends.

Atom Switch, Inc. is an independent game developer founded on our biggest guiding principle – make great games.

We don’t chase trends and we don’t have a monetization column leading our design documents, we sell games by making great games. We’re driven by a passion for gameplay and storytelling so good that it builds loyalty and drives sales better than micro-transactions and monetization strategies ever could.


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